Wednesday, 30 December 2009

WO(and under...)YWW - new storage!!

The desk is quite boring today, no work on it to show. I have had another major tidy up though and managed to clear out 2 rather large bags of bits I no longer need so I have made a bit of space. The 2 new units under the desk are to keep things safe from my Puppy as I am hoping I will soon be organised enough to let him sit in my room when I am working without him being able to get to everything and chew it!

I used to have 2 baskets under there and it was just too tempting for him. Looking at the photo, I apologise for the state of the floor! No time to hoover yet! I am hoping to mess up my desk tonight and knowing me it will probably still be messy next Wednesday!
Why not join in the fun and show us piccies of your desk. Take a piccie, upload to your blog and then link it up on Julia's blog.
Am off to get ready for work now, it's still very early but the other half is at work, youngest son is at a sleepover, oldest and dog asleep so all is quiet, I should be able to sneak out without the dreaded 'Muuuuuuuum'! calls delaying me!
Hope to see what's on your desk later!


  1. So tidy! Actually, it's an open invitation for inspiration isn't it. And good luck with that puppy/chewing thing!

  2. Good luck with the puppy...I see wires available for the chewing under that desk :-)
    A x

  3. What’s wrong with your floor Millie, you can still see it can’t you?
    Now mine, that’s a different matter because when there’s no room on the table for my bits and bobs it all just spreads to the floor. I can’t even see what colour the carpet is sometimes Lol!

    I hope puppy is a quick learner because there’s nothing like having a furry friend for company when you’re crafting. BoJangles (my cat) often sits on the window sill next to me when I’m working and failing that he’s actually sitting on the only clear space on my desk.


  4. wow tidy! puppies uhm mine used to chew wool while I was knitting and then I would hit a soggy bit!

  5. Ooooh, a puppy! Have I missed a piccie? Can we have one if not? My puppy is nearly one now and boy, has he grown. Happy New Year to you. Lauren x

  6. Your desk is a fresh start to 2010 then when you can sit back and start a new Mess full of crafting goodness :)

  7. Oh yes please show us a puppy pic, my sister is getting one as soon as it's old enough so we are all aawwwing at any puppy we see!!

    Your floor is soo much better than mine. When I get home I have a mega clear up planned.

    Happy New Year x

  8. You have the same drawers as me!!

    very tidy ready for lots of makes in 2010!!


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